Monday 9 March 2009

Chapter 3 - Big Tom

The next day, Gus has to go into town to run some errands for Cassie's parents, and borrows the little pony trap. He suggests that he take Cassie along for the ride. He tells Cassie that there is somebody in town that they may meet who might be able to help with the bag.

They set off in the trap, and make town in good time. Gus picks up some provisions from the General Store, and buys Cassie a penny sugar stick with the change. They load up the trap, and then Gus tells Cassie to come with him to the Hotel. The Hotel is a grand building, probably dating from a time when the little town was larger and busier than it is now. The lobby is empty, with a large marble counter for new visitors to register.

Gus takes Cassie through a small door at the side of the lobby., through which there is a small bar where locals go to meet and drink at the end of the day. It is fairly empty, apart from the barman, and a large figure with his back to them, sweeping up in the corner. Down the middle of his back is a long black ponytail, which reaches almost to his belt. Gus goes up to him and shakes his hand, and asked him to sit for a while with him and Cassie. They take a table in the corner, and the two men have small beers, and Gus buys Cassie a sarsaparilla juice.

Gus and Cassie show big Tom the bag, and he examines the symbols and confirms that this is an algonquin indian bag - it was used to carry medicines. He explains the the algonguins had a different view of the forest, seeing it as a living place inhabited by spirits. It is said that they are so in tune with the spirits of the forest that that they can disappear into the undergrowth. He asks if he can borrow the bag to examine it further, and will bring it back to the hotel tomorrow. Gus and Cassie set off home.

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